Sunday, April 11, 2010

my story

Looking back, I started out thinking I would have a non-bias standpoint through the majority of my research and then discover an answer. I believe for the majority of my research I did a good job sticking with this, however I did a full 180 between my two rough drafts of this paper. I went from backing public school education as the best means for education because students will pay less overall. However, when looking into it more, the private education showed more and more benefits as research and writing went on. Considering smaller classes versus lectures. From personal experience I have noticed in my first year at college, the large lecture classes are the classes I struggle in and the small classes I do my best in. In the large lectures I feel like I fall under the radar and fall behind, I feel helpless when I get behind and if I were to fail, no one would notice. However, in the smaller classes there is someone making sure you're tracking and willing to help. This topic was chosen by me because I chose Rutgers over a private university and I wanted to know if I made the right decision, while I still think Rutgers was the right choice for me, I just have a small price to pay and I have to work harder to make sure these large lectures don't effect me.

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